Tuesday, September 9, 2008


mathematic jokes math poster design

design this joke about a month ago. dah lupa pun bende nih. tetibe this evening during my math clas lecturer i inform "to those winner of poster boleh claim hadiah dkt lecturer room".umm xde idea la plak atas reason aper this poster boleh menang. quite funny. i done this poster just only in 30 minutes. sambil lewa je :) .actually i do this poster secara paksa by my math lecturer. every students in her class need to take part in order to get extra mark.. heheh so dgn sgt kebetulankan. taktahula either students lain tak participate or i dont know.... gigglesss** win prizes pon xclaim lagih. sbb cm boring jew. my lecturer ckp prize just a small hamper. daaaa.... of course la that hamper akan bertukar tangan to myteddy.


A j u E said...

ni tuk kelas calculus ke dmath?

lovie say : said...

dmath tp boleh wat pape pon. ngeee
