Sunday, September 14, 2008


having a lovetime with mybf. we spent time out together for 2nite in the row. happy be with you sayang. dah lama kite tak mcm nih kan :) he pick me up at home around 12am. but we dont know where to go because we didn't planning it. then decided to go uptown danau kota. seriously i love to go place like danau kota. i love to see peoples at there. love the situation.sayang i love to be there!!(scream). after done at danau kota we do pusing2 at bukit bintang till 4am. after that we sahur together and lepak-lepak di mamak stall at bandar sri permaisuri. miss that hajris stall. i love to eat roti tisu at hajris!!. over for a year tak lepak dkt sane. since we move out from bandar sri pemaisuri. but the best part is this is the first time we sahur together for our almost 2 years last we back home at 6am. kesian pada org yang drive kereta :)

i woke up around 2pm and i can see my eye bag clear. damm!! im not sleep enough sayang!! u dera me. tp i suke :) we went out again around 5pm and planning to go ikea damansara. i can say im crazy about ikea stuff. xboleh masuk ada je something yang nak dibeli. eventhou just for a small bulp hahaa. gosh my budget dah running out!! so how?? we do shop till maghrib and mybf dah bising2 because he need to breakfasting. we planning to eat my favorite rm2 hot dog and rm1 curry puff before we go to berbuka puasa yang sebenar.

after we finish eating my rm2 hot dog at ikea cafeteria. we straight go to the curve. to many peoples, no wonder lah . i notice ade football games between Liverpool and man u.happening lorh!! coz we can hear peoples scream.. arrr!! oohhhh!! yeeahhh!!. ha ha sounds cames from footballer addict.

we walking at the curve street bazar. love the wall design stickers made from korea. but to expensive for me. im calculating my budget now hahaaa!!

me and bf

so tired!! and tomorrow is time to recharge my energy back.


Anonymous said...

wat a lovely romantic meh

Anonymous said...

wahh wahh sis b'jln sakan..
