Sunday, September 7, 2008

my so-so life

having a perfect family, lovely bf and great friends maybe is not enough to make my life more worth.i need new environments. i need to go holidays. my heart scream out "gosh!!! you have to take me out from your body. your life suck!!.

honestly! i have a complete family around me. but i found that we're too busy to get along with each other. felt like an a alien in my own house.

i was the lucky one to having a great bf that always beside me all the time and keep company me every single days to make sure im ok. but i need to give him some space to. i don't want everybody call us "belangkas". hate that!! but the truth is we are "belangkas". about friends!! im not the person who's be friends with everyone. i choose my friends. i bold it im not arrogant person. but i found not everybody we can call as a friends. im looking a good friends that always keep company me and always believing me. friends can find easy but the good friends is not much easy that we think.

as a human life family, friends, and love are important. i have all this things but why is still not enough for me???. maybe i should buy some book at kino read it and learn how to make my life more meaningfull. full stop. i've to improve my life.

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