Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sarawak CM to sue Malaysiakini

Tengah cari bahan untuk buat research pasal "injury to pseudonym's reputation" terjumpa benda nih. cita dh lama. tp aku kagum sbb malaysia dah ada cyber crime.. tu menandakan malaysia dah semakin maju. susah nk jumpe artikal cyber crime dalam malaysia kecuali kecoh kes fitnah siti nurhaliza dan gambar- gambar bogel artis.. cehh tu suma tak mengembangkn otak..

Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud has demanded malaysiakini to remove several articles concerning accusations of corruption allegedly linked to him and his family. Taib, who has been the Sarawak leader for 26 years, said he would take legal action. The articles published between April 6 and 14 alleged that Taib has been implicated in a scandal involving RM32 million in kickbacks paid by Japanese shipping companies for timber from the resource-rich state.The eight articles cited by Taib were follow ups to the Japan Times news report on March 29 entitled ‘Wood carriers allegedly hid 1.1 billion yen income.According to the report, the multi-million ringgit ‘commission’ - made over a period of seven years - was paid to a Hong Kong company said to be linked to Taib - who is the country’s longest serving chief minister - and his family.

Following this, several members of parliament have urged the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) to investigate their colleague as Taib is also MP for Sarawak’s Kota Samarahan, near Kuching.“The words contained in the above articles clearly referred to our client and were highly defamatory of our client,” read the letter from Shearn Delamore & Co, the legal firm representing Taib. It stated that the published articles “amount to a very serious libel” against Taib and has caused him “considerable distress and embarrassment”.

“These baseless allegations have lowered our client’s reputation in the estimation of the public and exposed him to hatred, contempt and ridicule.” “All the allegations made against our client are false and your attack against our client is wholly unjustified,” added the two-paged letter. The letter demanded malaysiakini to do the following:

  • Stop from publishing defamatory words or similar words to that effect.
  • Immediately publish a full public retraction and apology according to terms approved by Taib.
  • Provide Taib with a written undertaking within 48 hours that the website will refrain from publishing defamatory words or similar words to that effect
  • Nominate a substantial compensation sum within 48 hours for injury and damage to Taib’s reputation.
  • Indemnify Taib of all costs incurred in this matter.
ps: termasuk isu politik plak blog aku nih..

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