Saturday, September 20, 2008


Bijou Bazaar @ The Podium, Menara Hap Seng

Bijou Bazaar @ The Podium, Menara Hap Seng
20 - 21 September 2008 weekend
Operating Hours: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.

steal some free time to visiting bijou bazaar this evening. this time bazaar located at menara hap seng , Jalan Raja Chulan. banyak vintage yang membuatkan aku geram *giggles.. tapi biasala hujung bulan. financial status sgt critical...i am fucking frustated!!*sad~.. tapi dah namanya human nature right!! no big deal la when a "person called as a women" broke cmna pun beli tetap membeli. dapat beli 1 or 2 items pon dah happy :) hahaha my bad!!!

dapatla i grab a handmade boyfriend shirt and rm5 2nd short.

*bijoubazaar still available for the next weekend at the same time and the same place and im not sure either i can make it or not.


Nadia Rahman said...

sedey xdpt gie..
really wanna go..!!~
aarrgghh tensi.!

lovie say : said...

nanti diorg wat bbg party. jum pegi ngeeee. i bwk bf i :)
